Tora, a magical fantasy realm, hides its secret treasure deep within the forests of Lira, the Light Side. When the God of Time, Journee, created the Red Ruby of memory, she tucked it away due to in-fighting amongst the Gods of Tora. The Red Ruby’s immense power to create, change, and delete memories and dreams was appealing to all, and despite the amount of power each God held, every single one who tried to find the Red Ruby died during the search. How could this be? According to the prophecy, a distant relative of the Dark King from Dara, the Dark Side, is supposed to be the only one that can claim the Red Ruby and use it for good. This is what brings you to the Lost Temple of Journee.

While in my game, you are playing as Rayne, a distant relative of the Dark King. Rayne has been having dreams and flashbacks to memories of a past life, where he had a family that looks entirely different from his present family. Through research, Rayne has read about the Red Ruby and is on a journey to find it.

Rayne just figured out the approximate location of the ruby, and he has just teleported to its resting place. Your objective is to find the Red Ruby in the Lost Temple of Journee. Look into the distance: there is something hiding in the mountains.

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